EnjoY | Database Research And Development: MSSQL Server : Multiple ways we can do the update statements.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

MSSQL Server : Multiple ways we can do the update statements.

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Multiple ways we can do the update statements.


In MSSQL Server  update statement we can write the different types.

See the below example.  


Created below the following tables.


-- Creating two tables.


Create  Table dbo.Table1(ID Int,Name VarChar(50));


Create Table dbo.Table2(ID Int,Name VarChar(50));




Insert Into dbo.Table1



Insert Into dbo.Table2






-- WITH Single Table

Update Table1 SET Name=(Select Name From Table2 T2 Where T2.ID=Table1.ID)


-- With Join Condition.

UPDATE T1 SET T1.Name=T2.Name

FROM dbo.Table1 T1 Inner JOin dbo.Table2 T2 On T1.ID=T2.ID


--Join Statement

Update Table1  SET Name=T2.Name

From dbo.Table1 T1 Inner Join dbo.Table2 T2 On T1.ID=T2.ID


--Using  Sub Query

Update Table1 SET Name=T2.Name

From (Select ID,Name

From Table2 ) T2 Where T2.ID=Table1.ID



--Clean up Tables

Drop Table dbo.Table1,dbo.Table2

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