EnjoY | Database Research And Development: SQL Server: Allow Multiple NULL Values in UNIQUE Constraint

Friday, September 4, 2020

SQL Server: Allow Multiple NULL Values in UNIQUE Constraint


In this post, I am sharing a demonstration on how to allow multiple NULLs for UNIQUE Constraint in SQL Server.

As per the ANSI, UNIQUE constraint allows multiple NULLs. But in the SQL Server, it allows only one NULL value.
With the UNIQUE constraint, you cannot insert multiple NULLs.

But you can create UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX with the NOT NULL filter and can insert multiple NULLs.

Please check the below demonstration:

Create a sample table with UNIQUE Constraint:

Try to insert multiple NULLs:

Now, try to insert with single NULL:

Drop the table:

Create the same table with UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX:

Now, INSERT Multiple Nulls:
As we defined UNIQUE on ID NOT NULL, so we can insert multiple NULLs.

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